We Hope to See You This Sunday
9:00am — 10:45am

Baptism is the outward symbol of an inward reality. In baptism we go under the water to symbolize we have been buried with Christ and come back out to symbolize our new life with Him. Baptism doesn’t save anyone, but it’s an important step to go public with your faith and identify as a follower of Christ.

Our services last about 60 minutes and consist of modern, Christ-centered worship and a life-giving, biblical message presented in a way that everyone can understand. Our prayer is for you to experience Jesus in a new way that brings you hope and transformation.

“My greatest desire is that the people of Andover go beyond religion & experience an authentic, transforming relationship with Christ.”

Pastor Mark Katzenberger

What about my kids?


We love to watch kids ignite their faith, grow in compassion and become dedicated Christ followers. We’re encouraged to hear stories of kids eagerly cheering the parents onto coming back each Sunday. Kid’s services are filled with: impactful biblical teaching, crafts, worship, games, relationship building and so much fun!


Navigating the teenage years can be challenging. Transform Youth is a place where teens will experience: Mentorship from youth leaders and volunteers. Biblical Messages to deepen their faith. A safe place to grow resilient in the midst of life’s challenges. And opportunities to serve and impact their community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question that isn't answered here?

What should I wear?

Feel free to come as you are, casual attire is welcomed. Jeans and t-shirts are pretty common at Transform.

How long are the services?

Services typically last 60-65 minutes and include music at the beginning, announcements about upcoming events at the church and a message that’s both biblical and relevant to your life.

What do I do when I arrive?

Upon arrival, you'll be greeted by a welcome team member and given helpful information about how to check in kids birth-5th grade and where the auditorium is located for adults and teens.

Are there accommodations for families with young children?

Many families have young children at Transform. Our kids ministry has separate rooms based on age with multiple safe and qualified adults in each room. If you have very young children, you’re welcome to bring them into the service. If they get fussy, we have several viewing areas in the family room and cafe with a live-feed of the service.